Error Hill Road

Error Hill road. A quiet little road in which almost no one lived on due to… unexpected circumstances. Conner stared out of his cracked and mold covered window of his old apartment building. Working in subway didn’t add much leeway with living spaces when you were handling school full time.

The road was peaceful for the most part. The wind swayed between the cherry blossoms, cars hummed down the road, and trash cans were being thrown at a group of teenagers by a mysterious force. Or at least somewhat mysterious.

Conner left for the door in a disgruntled haze. He had adjusted himself to the strange events which had become no more than a simple routine at that point. The creaking under his bed had become white noise, the words on his mirror predicting his inevitable doom was nothing a little Windex couldn't fix, and the howling from he heard from his window at 3 A.M. felt like casual conversation of a tv show. But this situation was different.

“Conner!” His neighbor Sage approached in him in slight panic as he exited for school.

“What is-”

“LOOK.” She held up her pet turtle who she had named William Shellspear. If you get the reference, I declare you averagely cultured.

“What about him?”

“I know you said the ghosts here are harmless-”

“I never said that-”

“-But someone, or should I say…” She paused dramatically. “Something- pushed my vase over and it his his foot!” She declared like the world was about to end.

“That could have easily been an accident, plus he looks alright.” He examined the turtle who glared at him. “Or not. But if it’s such a concern to you, go take him to the vet.”

“I can’t. He doesn't like the vet after they over charged him for a check up.”

“You. The vet overcharged you.”

“No I mean him. He makes an income selling hats on Etsy-”

“Okay, this was a lovely conversation, but I need to go to school before I waste all my colleges scholarships-” The lights shut off as a loud rumbling emanated from beneath them.

"What was that?" Sage wined.

Soon a deep voice from within the walls which had a vocal pitch he couldn't even recognize spoke. “The lives of the innocence will soon succumb to darkness…”

“Please tell me that's just the generate.” Conner groaned as Sage held him for dear life.

“Does this honestly sound like a generator to you?” The voice rumbled, clearly offended.

“I t-think we have a p-problem.” She quivered.

“Just move forward and find the staircase. We’ll get out and call the cops-”

Sirens rang through the air which brought some relief to the two college students. “See, problem solved.” Conner tried to sound reassuring as they felt the walls for the stair case door.

They eventually arrived, but when he opened the door, they tripped over something. The lights turned back on as soon as they went off, and the two fought the urge to scream. Or at least Conner did. Sage beat him to the urge while he wondered what to do. There was a sweet old lady who lived next to them, and though they didn't know much about her, it didn't take much analyzing to realize the body on the floor belonged to her.

He was about to stand when the sounds of footsteps rushed up the stairs. He looked behind him to see a group officers, and only one thought crossed his mind. This isn’t going to look good for us.


The Tune-up Case